The Construction Leading Edge Podcast

Episode #63 of The Construction Leading Edge podcast from is a Q&A session with answers to questions a few of you have submitted to me.

Topics covered in this construction podcast include:

- How you can outsource your bookkeeping.

- Why you SHOULD outsource your bookkeeping.

- What is OPPORTUNITY COST and how do you calculate it?

- If you're a construction business owner, go to to schedule a free 30 minute strategy session with me.

- The first thing you should do if you're planning to start your own business.

- How you can get paid to prepare for being a construction business owner.

- A strategy you can use to get your first few projects as side gigs.

- Why do micro-managers micro-manage?

- Tips you can use to deal with a micro-manager boss.

- Why you might want to start looking for a new job if your boss is a micro-manager.


Resources mentioned in this construction podcast:

Free Strategy Session for Business Owners - Click here to schedule a no-cost 30 minute call with me to strategize on your next move.

Construction Business Accelerator is designed to help construction business owners and up-and-coming owners avoid getting punched in the face.

Project Leader Boot Camp will help you if you're a PM, superintendent, team lead, or foreman and want to move up to the next level of your career.

Project Management Hacks and Secrets - Click here to get your hands on a free video series that will help you solve problems in the future, harness the power of delegation and inspire your team to do great work.

Direct download: 063_Outsourcing_Starting_and_Micromanager.mp3
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