The Construction Leading Edge Podcast

Two leaders of organizations with billions in real estate assets sat down recently and talked about how they solve problems, grow their businesses and the future of construction.

What you'll learn in this construction podcast episode:

  • Why Lisa Picard, CEO of EQ Office, isn't interested in sending out any more RFP's.
  • What does business travel at the speed of, and how does that affect you?
  • What the developers of billions of dollars of commercial real estate assets are looking for from their contractors in the future.
  • Brilliant ideas you can use to solve your problems and be more innovative.
  • What is a "hackathon" and how can you use it?
  • What does it mean to "red team" an issue?
  • Why you may want to have a FailCon event in your company.
  • Three big announcements ProCore rolled out at GroundBreak2019.

Resources mentioned in this construction podcast episode:

Secrets of Successful Contractors: The Free Video Series

Schedule Your Free Business Breakthrough Strategy Session with Todd Dawalt

Visit the Construction Leading Edge site -




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