The Construction Leading Edge Podcast

EPISODE 284: Do you feel like you don't get anything out of your team meetings? What happens if your meetings continue to be ineffective?

General Stanley McChrystal, a retired U.S. Army general and book author, cracked the code on how meetings helped them win the war on Al Qaeda.

In this week's episode, we'll talk about the best practices when conducting team meetings and how you can apply them to your construction business so you can make it run without you.

Today, you'll also learn the connection between good team meetings and the culture of accountability, the ripple effects of ineffective meetings, and a success story from a construction business owner who's started implementing the strategies you’ll be learning today.

Let's jump into it!


Key Takeaways:

The operations and intelligence brief (02:47)

Teaching people how to think vs. telling people what to do (05:54)

You don't have time to wait for the 100% solution (09:11)

The benefits of using empowered execution (11:58)

Common issues with meetings (16:19)

What are the ripple effects of ineffective meetings? (20:48)

Best practices for construction team meetings (22:54)

Three crucial systems to run effective team meetings (32:36)

How to accelerate your results (35:26)

David Hopkins' Systematized Your Construction Business (SYCB) success story (40:57)


Additional Resources:

- Schedule a FREE breakthrough session now with our team HERE

- Learn how to get out of your business and make it run without you HERE

- Visit Construction Leading Edge for more HERE


The Construction Leading Edge Podcast helps construction business owners maximize their revenue, eliminate chaos, systematize their work, and win back their time.

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am EDT