The Construction Leading Edge Podcast

EPISODE 296: Adversity has a remarkable way of bringing out the best in you, which is exactly what happens when you start burning the ships. This act becomes a symbol of your unwavering commitment to your goals. 

When those ships go up in flames, all means of escape vanish, leaving no safety net or fallback plan behind. 

Through this situation, success becomes a matter of life or death, and the only way forward is through sheer determination, resilience, and perseverance.

The question is: are you ready to go through this?

So in today's episode, we will explore various misconceptions around stress, why you should be burning the ships, practical ways to manufacture adversity, and some tips on applying what you'll be learning today to your construction business.

Make sure to tune in now!


Key Takeaways:

Introduction (00:00)

The Johnny Cash song (00:53)

Misconceptions about stress (02:39)

How Navy Seals see adversity (07:09)

Why you want to manufacture adversity (08:51)

What does it mean to burn your ships? (14:09)

Practical ways to manufacture adversity (18:19)

Applying what you have learned (24:29)

Great resources for you to bookmark (27:04)


Additional Resources:

- Listen to Episode 274 with Torrey Hawkins HERE

- FREE training on how to get paid for estimates HERE

- FREE webinar on how to make your business run without you HERE

- Hear success stories from our clients HERE

- Book a FREE call with our team HERE

- Visit Construction Leading Edge for more HERE


Books Mentioned:

- Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

- The Art of War by Sun Tzu


The Construction Leading Edge Podcast helps construction business owners maximize their revenue, eliminate chaos, systematize their work, and win back their time.

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