The Construction Leading Edge Podcast

"A focus on a 'skilled workforce is the wrong approach.  What we need is a well-led workforce."

Episode 59 of The Construction Leading Edge podcast from is an interview with Mark Breslin of Breslin Strategies, and in this construction podcast, we cover topics including the following:

  • Why we need a well-led workforce, not just a skilled workforce.
  • Common mistakes contractors make when it comes to their field level leaders.
  • What is the ROI for investing in field leaders?
  • Characteristics to look for when you're hiring or promoting leaders.
  • How to move up in the ranks of your company if you're an up-and-coming leader.
  • Key areas to train your leaders on.
  • What progressive project owners understand about field leadership, and what they're doing to make sure they get it on their projects.

Resources mentioned in this construction podcast:

Breslin Strategies -

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck

Direct download: 059_Mark_Breslin.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:45pm EDT

Is your successful construction company showing early warning signs it will self-destruct?  Discover some of the red flags in this podcast episode.

Claim your free 10 day trial of The CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS ACCELERATOR

Why Successful Contractors Self-Destruct and Why Leaders Fail.

“Ego-driven people scare me the most. In this business, pride and ignorance go together, and experience and humility go together. If you have been around construction long enough, you have failed and been humbled. If you are prideful and arrogant in construction, you simply have not been hit yet.”


Topics covered in this construction podcast episode include:

Why Do Successful Contractors Self-Destruct?

  • How the "mind of the contractor" is a two edged sword
  • Attitudes and mindsets commonly associated with financial crisis
  • The problem when a CEO acts like a PM
  • Contractors are good builders, but they don't give enough attention to the financial side
  • If you're a business owner, do you have a succession plan?
  • The innovation process problem

Click here to download the 15 Red Flags That A Successful Contractor Will Self-Destruct

Eleven Major Attributes of Leadership*:

  1. Unwavering courage
  2. Self-control
  3. A keen sense of justice
  4. Definiteness of decision
  5. Definiteness of plans
  6. The habit of doing more than paid for
  7. A pleasing personality
  8. Sympathy and understanding
  9. Mastery of detail
  10. Willingness to assume full responsibility
  11. Cooperation

Ten Major Causes of Failure in Leadership*:

  1. Inability to organize details
  2. Unwillingness to render humble service
  3. Expectation of pay for what you "know"
  4. Fear of competition from followers
  5. Lack of imagination
  6. Selfishness
  7. Intemperance
  8. Disloyalty
  9. Emphasis on authority
  10. Emphasis on title

*Shared from "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill 

Click here to download the 15 Red Flags That A Successful Contractor Will Self-Destruct



Other resources mentioned in this construction podcast:

Get your free 10 day trial of The Construction Business Accelerator

Free video series: Secrets of Successful Contractors

Free Strategy Call – Own a construction business? Click here to schedule your free strategy session with Todd Dawalt.

Direct download: 058_Why_Contractors_and_Leaders_Fail.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:04pm EDT