The Construction Leading Edge Podcast

EPISODE 237: There are 3 things most business owners want, however they're handcuffed from achieving them.  What are those handcuffs?  How are they affecting you?

Here's what you'll learn about in this construction podcast episode:

  • A potentially offensive philosophy about growing your business.
  • 3 things nearly all business owners want
  • How your "I Don't Want's" could be keeping you from your "I Want's"
  • Some lies you my need to stop listening to
  • Growing a business is like doing a backflip off a diving board
  • The secret to getting everything you want, according to Zi Ziglar.
  • A surprising way selfishness shows up

Resources mentioned in this construction podcast episode:

Get Out of Your Business: Make it Run Without You This Year [Free Online Workshop] - Register at


Direct download: 237_Handcuffed_by_I_Wants.mp3
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